We did it! With our first season over and out, what’s next for The SciComm Collective?
We did it! With our first season over and out, what’s next for The SciComm Collective?
What do you do if you're interested in science and you're not an old white guy? Why, you build a monster, of course!
"We're all part of this science community and we all have something to contribute to the mix." - Ann Grand
"I thought, gee, this might be the most important thing I ever do in my career." - Professor Neil Gemmell
"We are here behind the scenes to help the science be more accessible, to remind the scientists to listen to the audience." - Eugenie Au
When inspiring science curiosity, does it matter if people think differently to us? Kate Holmes reflects how social constructivism and science communication burnt her "science-is-everything" worldview to the ground.
"The deficit model assumes that your non-scientific audiences are empty vessels suffering from a deficit of scientific knowledge." - Kelly Hopkinson
“Seadragons are a great entry point for people to learn more about marine biology and conservation.” - Chrissy Tustison
"Find that thing that lights you up. Find your community." - Heather Bray
On Wednesday night, a cozy corner of the UWA Tavern buzzed with excitement as a group of science communicators and friends gathered to launch our very own podcast, The SciComm Collective!
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